Hate Is A Virus is a nonprofit community of mobilizers and amplifiers to dismantle racism and hate.
A movement started in 2020, Hate Is A Virus continues to amplify, educate and activate AAPI to stand for justice and equality in solidarity with other communities.
We do this by mobilizing our community to participate in local and national campaigns, creating safe spaces for dialogue and education, and providing actionable steps and funding in partnership with trusted community leaders and organizations.
This includes programs related to mental health, community-based solutions for safety, representation, solidarity-building, and so much more.
Thoughtful & intentional
We approach our work holistically, with great care and thoughtfulness about its broader impacts. We act quickly but each step is taken with great thought and intention about how our work impacts various corners of our community, including folks who identify with disabilities, LGBTQIA+, and other communities of color.
Driving meaningful change
We are driving meaningful change towards justice and equality. We aim to push for progress and be able to measure the impact we make through each of our programs, whether through our initiatives surrounding awareness, education and partnership with the community.
Inspiring boldness
We aim to inspire our community to be bold in the ways they engage with the movement. We push the boundaries of what activism looks like through our creativity and innovation and make activism approachable for the larger community.
Compassionate community builders
We build compassionate and empathetic relationships with individuals and other organizations, recognizing that we need each of us to bring our best and whole selves to the movement. We are here to create safe spaces and welcome old and new members of the community into this larger movement against racism.
Collaborative leadership
Our leadership is in service to our community. We build programs in partnership with trusted community leaders and organizations (both internally and externally in the organization) and center the diverse needs of our community in these decisions.
Accountability & Integrity
We listen and evolve according to our community’s needs. We must hold ourselves accountable for the content, information, and education that we share with our community. We uphold our integrity as we explore who we partner with and receive funding from. We must especially be mindful of the ways that our programs, language and resources can contribute to both further the movement, but also all the ways we might contribute harm to the movement. We take full responsibility when our community holds us accountable and aim to intentionally learn and grow from the experience.